We are working on making another paranormal breakthrough and this one is intended to help all paranormal investigators, psychics and occultists improve their findings as well as the quality and quantity of positive results.
This is a research project where we need the help of anyone that works in these fields to collect data for us so we can analyze it and apply that data to each of these paranormal fields in hopes to make a major breakthrough.
We are studying weather, atmospheric and geological conditions and how they play a part of all paranormal activity. This includes finding best times to conduct psychic and magical workings as well.
Many people feel that these types of conditions enhance all paranormal workings but there has not been any conclusive evidence to prove this either way. This is what we are trying to do.
We need your help if you are someone who conducts paranormal investigations, paranormal research or experimentation, if you are a psychic doing readings of any kind and other psychic work such as pendulum or scrying work, etc. or if you are someone who engages in magick or other occult workings.
We need a lot of data that is very simple to gather and only takes a few minutes. Send that data in on a form that you can find here on our website - the links for all information on this research project are below.
You will be kept informed of any leads or breakthroughs that come about first before anyone else in the field or the public receives this information. You will also be given credit for your participation in the very important paranormal research.
Once we have some conclusive evidence that points towards a positive result, we will ask for volunteers to beta test these results so that we may gather even more conclusive evidence. The more evidence we can gather, the more accurate the results will be.
If you can help us out then please visit the links below. If you know someone who you think would be interested, please send them these links as well. We appreciate everything you can do towards this research project. As you can surmise, it will take quite some time to gather enough data and to properly analyze and test it.
Just a quick intro to myself for those who are not familiar with me - I am Cher and I have been intensely involved in the paranormal world for over 41 years. If you would like to know more about me, check out my about page to learn more about who I am and what I do. I will put that link below as well.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you and getting the chance to work with you on this research project. Let's make a breakthrough together and advance paranormal science!
The button below take you to the Geonetrix page on our website.
https://youtu.be/ZLVM7z81PCk - This is our YouTube video that explains the project and what we need from you as part of the project.
https://ghostieladie.wixsite.com/eliteparanormal/blank-1 - This link will take you to my about page where you can learn more about me and what I do in the paranormal field.