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Spritzer Furman Haunted Mirror


This experiment involves a haunted mirror that I obtained on February 19, 2020.  It is a small Spritzer Furman mirror that I have pictured on the left.  This mirror is 72 years old so not quite an antique as yet but definitely vintage.


This mirror is haunted with at least two people and I hypothesize that it contains at least one more spirit.  


Speaking to these spirits and trying to learn why they are attached to this mirror is one of my objectives and finding out who and/or what is haunting the mirror, how it came about and why they stay are the others.


The purpose of this experiment is to utilize psychic formulas in order to decipher and conclude the hypothesis of spiritual infestation and/or the presence of a portal.  This conclusion will dictate the objective and pathway for the main use of this object.

Date and Location:

Sunday, February 23, 2020 at my home paranormal lab

Equipment Used:

1 Laptop, 1 FS digital camera, cell phone camera

Methods Utilized:

Permisi EVP™, EQZ Spiro-Technology™


Initial psychic connection indicated two distinct entities of human origin that show passive attachment to the object and no realization of death.  

EVPs: 2,  18 EQZ pictures, 12 photo images 

Summary and Conclusion:

EVPs provided evidence of an object attachment.  EQZ shows several words that will be on file to use in future experiments to put the story of this haunted object together.  There was other indication of the entity beginning to tell their story within the EQZ results.  The most interesting occurrence was the fact that the entity or entity manipulated my cell phone camera in order to take 12 photos.  This was a burst of 12 pictures.  This means that the entity has to have either enabled and set my camera to burst mode and also changed the color filter of the camera OR they changed the color filter and took a series of 12 quick pictures moving the camera very little between each picture.  The view from the pictures were showing the view that you would see if you were looking outside of the box that the mirror was still in when this manifestation occurred. 

Want to see the burst of photos
and listen to the EVPs?  Click the 'Watch Short Video' button.
Objectives for follow up:

1) Make contact and communication with entities attached to object

2) Discover the number and individual entities that have this attachment

3) Obtain evidence of said entity/entities

4) Learn how and why the entity/entities are attached to object and the details of the 


Spritzer Furman Haunted Mirror

First Follow Up

This was the first follow up experiment I did with the proven haunted Spritzer Furman mirror.  Many times when an item is haunted, or even when trying to communicate with a ghost - that entity will use the space you give them during a session to explain their story instead of answering your questions.  To them, being able to tell someone what happened to them is more important than answering your questions.  They don't get an opportunity to have themselves heard - it is rare for this opportunity to come to them, so they will take it and run with it.  This is exactly what happened with this session.  


This purpose of this follow up experiment is to explore the number of entities that are attached to the vessel as more than one is expected.  Learning why the entities in question are attached to the vessel is also part of said purpose.

Date and Location:

February 29, 2020 at my home paranormal lab.

Equipment Used:

1 Laptop, 1 FS Digital Cameral, Cell Phone Camera

Methods Utilized:

Permisi EVP™, AL Box, EQZ Spiro-Technology™ and Emanzi EVP™


24 EVPs, More TBA

Summary and Conclusion

This experiment has yielded several entities, but did not ascertain specifics of whom is attached.  It is highly suspect that two daughters of a man that was murdered - whom this mirror belonged to, are the ghosts in question.  It is becoming more apparent that the family was murdered. It appears to be a late night break in.  Reason to suspect that the father may have known their killer is a new hypothesis. It may also be that there is a dark presence that is also attached to the mirror - it could be the killer. It seems as though these entities realize that they are deceased.

Objectives for Follow Up

1) Get specifics on each entity that is attached to the mirror

2) Find out more about the dark presence - is is the murderer

3) Continue to question where the incident took place

4) Obtain enough information to deduce whether a portal would be an asset or an adverse procedure.

There is one more session with the entities of this haunted mirror coming as soon as I can finish going through the captures. 
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