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Experiments in Progress

Below are the details of the Deity Experiment as they become available so check back often.

This experiment began on Saturday, September 3, 2022 and is still in progress.  This experiment is in its trial phase, meaning it was the first experiment and depending on the results, these will be used to determine if the experiment will continue or halt.

Due to a personal injury, everything has been delayed by quite some time.  I am very slowly getting better and hopefully I will be online more and more. 
I have a lot of catching  up to do.

Deity Experiment
The God that Loves Me

The purpose of this experiment is to summon, make communication with and find out as much information as possible about the particular deity that has created miracles in my life, saved me and my family from troubled times and was there to listen to my problems.  It is also to learn as much as possible about this thing we all experience on a daily basis called life - what, why, when, where, who, how and why.  What can be revealed and the reasons why certain life circumstances are kept hidden from the population are being explored as well.

Date and Location:

Saturday, September 3, 2022 at my home paranormal lab.

Equipment Used:

3 FS Camcorders, 2 FS Digital Cameras, 1 Thermal Camera, 2 Audio Recorders, 3 Computers, 1 Modified Radio, 1 Thermal Array, 1 Simplified EM Pump, 1 Sensor, 2 Meters and 1 Specialized Lighting  

Methods Utilized: 

Permisi EVP, Spiritron EVP, EQZ Spiro-Technology™  Evocation


I do not have a total for the results as yet but most of the evidence has been gone through. I am going to work on adding the evidence from this experiment each time I get the chance to get online, even though that is for very shorts periods of time.  See results below as I put them up.

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