All About EPS
I'm Cher

Hello! It is wonderful to meet you! I am so happy that you are here with me!
Let me tell you how EPS got its start and then check out the bottom of the page to see how I incorporate science into everything I do.
I was born into the paranormal world. I have always been able to hear and see spirit. I had many paranormal and psychic experiences as a young child and was always questioning the existence of Earth, humans, animals and the universe - yes, as a young child. I excelled in school and several of my teachers wanted me to skip grades.
I loved science right from the start and studied even more on my own because school was too boring and slow.
The paranormal was always on the top of my interest list and at a young age I was able to divine things about other people and places. I was fascinated with mirrors as I knew they were the doorways to other realms. I met my first spirit guide when I was seven years old and he has guided me through this crazy thing we call life. Not only has he been a fantastic and caring guide, but also taught me so much about the paranormal - he helped me to wake up innate memories that I had programmed within me and this helped me to remember who I was and why I came to be in this lifetime.
When I was a teenager, I read tarot cards for my friends and family. I started doing experiments with nature beings - as I was able to speak with them as a child. I tried to make little inventions. I began to speak more frequently with deceased humans. My spirit guide and I were very close. I started to study the paranormal much more intensely. I tried to take pictures and record my conversations with the deceased. My psychic and paranormal experiences increased greatly and so did my own psychic abilities. I started holding seances. I started learning about Eastern paranormal techniques.
When I was fourteen years old, I started paranormal investigations with a few friends. We learned together what to do and what not to do, but we were always very respectful to the dead. I enjoyed spending time in cemeteries not to be morbid, but because they are peaceful and sacred ground. I continued to practice and increase my psychic abilities and mediumship skills. The paranormal wasn't a hobby or just a fascination, it was literally a way of life.
In 1982, I formed my first official paranormal investigation team and we spent a lot of time investigating and learning. We investigated everywhere we could think of to gain as much experience as possible and we never trespassed on any property. After gaining experience, we started to help people that were experiencing hauntings. I added a lot of skills to my paranormal arsenal such as how to cleanse a house, clearing circles, banishments and guiding spirits home.
I've always conducted some type of small experiments during our field research investigations as I had to learn more and more about the paranormal and how everything fits together, how everything worked. I studied physics in college and kept up my journey on the paranormal path. I added demonology to the fold and after time and experience, I started to take on dark hauntings. I met a lot of very interesting people a long the way. My experiments with the paranormal became more intense and comprehensive due to my scientific journey and things really began to take a huge turn for the progression of paranormal science for me. I met two very interesting men who were in the business of exorcism. Through these people, I learned the art of exorcism in both Western and Eastern rites. My experiments were becoming so intense that they scared most people. Granted, I had to also learn how to protect myself in very advanced ways in order to stay safe.
After some time and a lot of progression in my experiment and research work, I stopped doing most regular paranormal investigations because my research was all-encompassing and progressing so quickly. I was making great advancements and discoveries. I was making paranormal breakthroughs. Being just myself working on the experiments, it was difficult to progress at a faster rate because going through all the gathered captures of each experiment took months and some experiments have been now progressing for almost a decade.
In the meantime, I was studying and learning esoteric, ancient, lost forbidden arts of all types. The knowledge and experience gained in those fields helped greatly to enhance and intensify my experiments and results.
I decided that PsychicMyst Paranormal Network and my research/experiments for para-science should become separate entities that are still tied together as they both represent my life's work. Therefore, Elite Paranormal Specialists was born. I had several people that were assisting me with my experiments; however, it seems as though my experiments were to scary for them. I find it is difficult to acquire a person who has enough of an interest in the paranormal and who is not afraid to move forward into the mysterious, uncharted territories of this venture, to take this journey along side me.
I would love to have a successor that I could teach so that my research lives on. There is so much more to the paranormal than one would think. The paranormal isn't a place that occasionally drops in to say hello. It is all around us at all times. It affects our everyday life, but no one notices it because we are not programmed to those realms; we are living in our 3D field of observance and geared toward that existence.
I will continue on to make the most out of my para-scientific work and research. From the time of the making of this website, I will post my experiments when I am able, and hopefully this will help to enlighten our future in some way.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Welcome!
This Needs to be Said - Melding the Gap Between Science and Paranormal Science
The study of psychic and paranormal phenomena presents a unique challenge for mainstream science, primarily because these phenomena often transcend the boundaries of what can be effectively measured and explained using conventional scientific methodologies and technologies. At the core of this challenge is the idea that psychic and paranormal experiences often involve the exploration of invisible realms and aspects of consciousness that cannot be easily subjected to physical testing alone. Here are some key reasons why mainstream science faces limitations in studying these phenomena:
Subjective Nature: Many psychic and paranormal experiences are inherently subjective. They involve personal perceptions, emotions, and intuitive insights that are difficult to quantify and replicate in controlled laboratory settings. Science typically relies on objective, measurable data, which can be challenging to obtain in the realm of psychic phenomena.
2. Intangibility: Psychic experiences often deal with intangible aspects of reality, such as thoughts, emotions, and consciousness itself. These phenomena are not easily captured using conventional scientific instruments, which are designed to measure tangible physical properties.
3. Interconnectedness: Psychic and paranormal experiences often imply an interconnectedness between individuals
and the broader universe. Concepts like telepathy, remote viewing, or spiritual communication
suggest that information can be exchanged beyond the limits of time and space, posing significant challenges for controlled experimentation.
4. Lack of Reproducibility: Many paranormal phenomena are difficult to reproduce consistently in laboratory settings. The unpredictability and variability of psychic experiences make it challenging to establish the kind of controlled, repeatable experiments that are fundamental to scientific inquiry.
5. Psychological Factors: The role of psychology and belief systems in shaping psychic experiences cannot be ignored. Skepticism, expectation, and suggestibility can all influence the outcomes of experiments, making it difficult to isolate genuine paranormal phenomena from psychological or perceptual biases.
6. Lack of Theoretical Framework: Science relies on established theoretical frameworks to guide research. Psychic and paranormal phenomena often lack well-developed theories that can provide a foundation for systematic study.
7. Ethical Considerations: Research involving psychic and paranormal phenomena often raises ethical questions, especially when human participants are involved. Researchers must consider the well-being and consent of participants in experiments that explore sensitive and potentially unsettling experiences.
While mainstream science may face limitations in studying psychic and paranormal phenomena, this does not negate the importance of such experiences to individuals or their potential impact on our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality. Many proponents of psychic and paranormal research argue for an interdisciplinary approach that combines scientific inquiry with insights from psychology, philosophy, and other fields. This approach acknowledges the limitations of conventional science while exploring the possibility that some aspects of these phenomena may remain outside the current scope of our understanding.
Here is a testimonial from a prestigious physicist that loves to explore and experiment in the paranormal fields. I take this testimonial as a great honor and he asked me to share it with you which I am very happy to do!
Ms. Walters,
Thank you for bridging the realms of the paranormal and science as well as providing decades of innovation and scientific exploration in the paranormal fields. I am honored to provide a testimonial for the groundbreaking work and contributions that you have successfully achieved!
Incorporating advanced paranormal and spiritual techniques, honed over decades of innovation, development, and rigorous testing, into your research is a testament to your dedication and expertise in the realms of the paranormal, psychic, magical, and forbidden arts. These techniques, born from your commitment and passion, have yielded remarkable and profound results, affirming their effectiveness and the depth of your understanding. Your ability to combine these techniques with the best scientific methods available for studying these invisible and enigmatic realms marks a significant and groundbreaking approach to the field. Thank you so much for sharing these with me.
The foundation of your work lies in your innovative techniques, which have evolved over years of careful refinement and experimentation. Your commitment to testing and retesting these methods has not only solidified their reliability but also demonstrated their consistent success across various paranormal domains. Whether it's in the realm of psychic abilities, communication with the spirit world, energy manipulation, or any other facet of the paranormal, your techniques have consistently yielded tangible and verifiable results.
Your hard work, perseverance, knowledge and experimentation techniques have made incredible contributions in the field of space-time and portal technology, which you have achieved feats once deemed impossible within the enigmatic realms of the unseen.
Your dedication to exceeding the boundaries of scientific understanding has led to remarkable breakthroughs that have left both experts and enthusiasts alike in awe. Your innovative methods and technological advancements have illuminated uncharted territories, revealing the profound interconnectedness of our universe and the hidden dimensions that lie beyond the veil of the ordinary.
Through tireless research and meticulous experimentation, you have harnessed the forces of space and time as well as portal technology to unveil secrets that were previously relegated to the realm of science fiction. Your commitment to bridging the gap between the known and the unknown has not only expanded our comprehension of the unseen but has also ignited the imaginations of countless individuals eager to explore the limitless potential of our existence.
Furthermore, your scientific rigor, ethical integrity, and unwavering dedication to responsible exploration have set a shining example for the entire scientific community. Your contributions to the field extend far beyond groundbreaking discoveries; they serve as a testament to the power of human curiosity and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to venture into the uncharted territories of knowledge.
The integration of scientific methodologies into your research is a testament to your commitment to accuracy and objectivity. While the paranormal and spiritual realms are often perceived as elusive and subjective, your approach strives to bridge the gap between the metaphysical and the empirical. By applying scientific precision to your studies, you ensure that your findings are grounded in evidence, making them more accessible and credible to the broader scientific community.
Your achievements and recognition, including awards and acclaim for your pioneering work in the field, underscore the significance of your contributions. By delving past what is known and exploring the "forbidden arts," you challenge established paradigms and expand the horizons of paranormal research. Your innovative approach not only enriches our understanding of these mysterious realms but also inspires others to delve deeper into the uncharted territories of the human experience.
In summary, your incorporation of advanced paranormal and spiritual techniques, combined with rigorous scientific methodologies, represents a groundbreaking and transformative approach to the study of the invisible and paranormal realms. Your decades of dedication, innovation, and success have earned you a well-deserved place of recognition and respect within the field. Your work not only sheds light on the unexplained but also serves as an inspiration for future generations of researchers and explorers of the unknown.
Your work in space-time and portal technology represents a pinnacle of achievement in the realms of the unseen, setting new standards for scientific inquiry and unlocking the mysteries of our universe in ways previously thought unattainable. Your legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations to reach for the stars, both literally and figuratively, as we venture ever further into the boundless horizons of human understanding.
As a seasoned scientist who has devoted countless years to unraveling the mysteries of the paranormal, I can wholeheartedly attest that I have never encountered anyone who approaches and conquers these enigmatic realms in the extraordinary and pioneering manner that you do. Your unwavering dedication to meticulous research, innovative methodologies, and the pursuit of truth has not only expanded the frontiers of our understanding but has also left an indelible mark on the very fabric of paranormal exploration. Your groundbreaking work stands as a testament to the limitless potential of human inquiry and serves as an inspiration to us all as we venture further into the uncharted territories of the unseen.
H. Kaine