Time Portal Project and Experiment
Welcome to the Time Portal Project and Experiment. This will be an ongoing experiment because it is not meant for one specific purpose, but will be used consistently in making new discoveries. This newest project can be used in almost all of my own experiments as well as stand-alone experiments utilizing this equipment and method.
I am hoping to make more breakthroughs using the set up for this project, but will take some time in not only the preparation, but in finding the correct configuration for the set-up that will allow me the capability to utilize it to the best of its abilities.
This project will have different phases and steps throughout the duration to the final stage where the device will be set to start working to make new discoveries.
I will continue to post progress of the phases and then documentation of future experiments resulting from this device.
I still do not have an official name for this device as yet as it is a mechanism in progress. I may need a person skilled at construction that could build some type of container for it, but time will tell.
Come back often for more information about the Time Portal Project.

Phase 1

A large part of this project will make use of many mirrors. These mirrors were obtained brand new as I wanted them to have as clean of a slate as possible - meaning not a lot of recorded energy has been absorbed into them. This is important as I wanted to be sure that the programming I did was very powerful and had no other outside influences that would be influential enough where I would have to perform a thorough cleansing to remove the energy out of them.
I procured these six mirrors that you see pictured to the right. They are six inches in diameter. This first phase was to program them for their individual uses. This took approximately four hours to complete in one evening. I used a series of scientific techniques in order to choose the mirrors that were best suited for each task that the mirror will need to carry out.
After preforming the testing needed to choose the part each mirror will play in this project, programming of that task was imprinted by programming and utilizing methodologies and technical instruments to get the job done. This took two procedures to accomplish and the second procedure consisted of two segments.
Programing for this step is completed, but the second step of programming will need to be conducted as soon as possible.
Stay tuned for more!
The sole purpose of this entire project is to make important and substantial breakthroughs in Para-Science. There are two specific purposes that I would like to achieve with this project through a lot of experimentation and years of documentation.
These two purposes are:
1) Find the missing variable to capture a paranormal time/space binary physical singular event utilizing portal technology upon demand.
2) Utilize new methodologies to make discoveries in time/space - particularly past, present and future, as a simultaneous mutli-dimensional instance.
Date and Location:
Saturday, January 14, 2023 at my home paranormal lab
1 computer, 1 FS Camcorder, 1 Thermal Imager, 1 EM Pump, 4 Quartz Points, Copper Diode, 1 Laser, Symphonic Imprint
Particle Analysis and Initial Programming
Particle analysis was successful and each mirror has been assigned a specific task in the experiments. Programming has concluded for the first round and initial testing must be conducted.
Initial Testing

Phase 2
Now that each mirror has been selected for a unique and specific task, as well as having been giving initiatory programming, first trial tests must be conducted in order to gauge the effectiveness of the programming. This will help to determine future programming needs as well as strengthen the energy bonds of the tasks to the objects.
Purpose of testing:
To test first EQZ experience with all programmed mirrors using appropriate elemental and atmospheric conditions. It is of the utmost importance that initial trial testing be completed as quickly as possible.
Testing of the Past:
Date Tested:
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Results: Pending
Testing of the Present:
Date Tested:
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Results: Pending
Testing of the Future:
Date Tested:
Thursday, January 19, 2023