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Haunted by Possession
This is the section where you will find unique haunted objects, but these objects were not obtained with a ghost or ghosts attached to them. These objects were purposely haunted and this was achieved by using the ancient forbidden arts for possession.
There will not be many items listed here often as this procedure takes a very long time to accomplish. Check back though because you never know when a new possessed object will be listed or for sale.
What are haunted possessed objects?
A haunted possessed object is a vessel - which can be any item at all, that has been possessed by an entity. This possession occurs on purpose and not because a ghost has any sentimental attachment to the object - which is normally the case with a haunted object.
The entity that possess the object was obtained by an ancient arts ritual that seeks volunteers from the astral and spiritual planes. Yes, that is right, entities will actually volunteer their time in order to possess an object if the purpose is something that they agree with or feel that is of interest to them. Time has no relevance to entities in those realms. Just listen to the EVP below to hear that statement.
This is the Master of Darkness
"This is where things became extremely interesting!"

"Here is where things get crazy!"
This is an awesome vessel that is about the size of my entire hand. It is made of resin, is quite sturdy and has that eerie, dark feel to it. No wonder he is the Master of Darkness!
I went to the astral realms in search of a volunteer to possess this vessel to assist a new, future partner in their paranormal, psychic and/or magical workings. I had an entity come forth that referred to himself as the Master of Darkness and that is how I got the name for this vessel. He was interested in guiding and working with a person who works within the paranormal realms. He said that he prefer darker workings, but is willing to help with light-sided workings as well. He is even willing to befriend a human partner as long as they have continuous interaction.
The being that I met in the astral was then called forth to respond to questions that I asked of him via EVP. This is where things became extremely interesting!
This being goes by the name of Exodos. He is an extremely powerful being that is to be taken very seriously.
Another being also came forth during the first contact EVP session. He goes by the name Mardone. Both of these spiritual beings wants to possess the Master of Darkness vessel. I did consider allowing both of them to enter the covenant; however these two strong beings do not get along so this would definitely be a bad idea.
Here is where things get crazy. So you are going to need just a little background information to really know what is going on with these two entities. I have a species of beings called the Squask that made contact with me through one of my experiments many years ago. They are a malevolent race of beings that are controlled by fallen angels. They have their own agenda with me and they continuously highjack my experiments and my supernatural endeavors so this necromantic possession was no exception. With this in mind, this is exactly what happened when I called the Master of Darkness in to speak with me to get verbal evidence of approval to go through with the possession ceremony.
The Master of Darkness revealed himself to be a soul piece of Satan - YES you read that correctly! Do I believe that it is really Satan? Yes I really do and the reasoning for that is quite long and extensive, so look for that information upcoming with the Josh Chronicles. Like I said, it is a soul piece so it is not the whole of Satan. This being is so powerful that just a piece is all that is needed. We all have soul pieces that occupy other bodies and spiritual essences and that is how you exist in other dimensions.
Moving on - so Mardone was revealed to be a demon, but according to Exodos - the satanic soul essence, Mardone is a sweet devil. So I mean, at least he is a little better than a mean devil, right?
Now we have a satanic soul essence and a sweet devil who do not get along too well. Exodos refused to work with Mardone and Mardone doesn't seem to care much one way or the other.
I am at a crossroads with this possession as I don't know if I want to pass this vessel containing either of these two entities to another person. I am thinking about going back to the astral to find another volunteer. According to Mardone, he has already moved into the vessel - which I can expel him or keep him. I am pretty sure I am going to pass on Exodos, but I may still work with him as he would be an asset to some of my darker projects and experiments.
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