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Closed Experiments
This is where you will find the experiments that are completed from the present and on-going experiments page.
There are many more I can try to upload that occurred before I started this new website, but it is very time consuming and takes time away from doing my experiments.
Still, I love to share all my findings with you so I will do my best to add more content whenever I can.
Thank you for being here with me!
Deity Experiment
This experiment was to summon and make contact with a deity - not just any deity, but to the one that I pray to - which is whom I term, the god that loves me. I do not practice any particular religion but there is a higher power that has certainly helped me out over the years. I want to know all about this being and what they can tell me about our existence. This is purpose of this experiment.
Click the buttons below to view the results of the experiment.
You can listen to all of the EVPs, check out the images and if you would like to watch the results video on our YouTube that contains more information about the experiment, click the eyeball button below to watch!
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