Forbidden Arts Graveyard Project
This project is categorized under forbidden arts - necromancy to be more precise. This is not a project of dark intention as the name may sound and of course when people hear the term necromancy, they think of the science-fiction depiction of such apocryphal mythicism.
There is a method to my astute madness lol Forbidden arts work with very ancient and powerful energies that has ascendancy of intensified magnitude; therefore producing extraordinary results that exceed expectations. Progression is accelerated and astounding!
You can follow the dossier involving all of the happenings of this project through regular updates on this page and through blog articles that I will give more detail into the particulars. You can follow each step and keep up with the results and progress of this experimental project right here.
The purpose of this project is to harness the ancient powers of lost arts to add power and augury to delve even further into the enigma of our unknown reality - which factually has a foundation and structure within our physical cognizance.
Date and Location
This very intensive and complex project is still in it's planning stage. Items and tools are being procured. This project is expected to last a minimum of three years.
As this project is in its preparatory stage, you can read my introduction blog to this experimental project to find out what types of things I plan on doing with this project. As the project progresses, I strongly hypothesize that many new applications will come about to incorporate this project with.
This project is an experiment in itself. It will be adapted to configure with other experiments and stand-alone research and development.
To get a clearer idea of what this project is all about, please read my blog entry Introduction to the Graveyard Project. Keep an open mind as this project may very well yield many new discoveries and breakthroughs.
Update #1: 10/25/22
As of today, the wood has been totally prepared and the caskets will be constructed very soon. Hopefully, once that occurs, the final items can be procured and the completion of the construction of the graveyard can progress at a faster rate. Stay tuned!
Construction of the Graveyard
Ukuvuka Ritual Part 1
Step 1
Preparation for Ukuvuka
Ancient Arts Ritual

It all starts with the wood. The first step is to construct a simple coffin to house the volunteer spirits. For this project, I am going to start with two spirits so therefore, two caskets will be necessary.
This step involves more than just procuring the wood and tools to make this container - it required a life-death-life ritual using forbidden arts. This is just to prepare the caskets before construction. It is imperative that these vessels are programmed specifically for this project's intention and to make certain that the spirits that will be residing therein, will be happy. Please know that the spirits are free to roam and are not confined strictly to the vessel.
The ritual, known as Ukuvuka needs to be preformed on two separate nights when conditions are optimal for such an ancient ritual. This ritual is divided into two parts to be completed on a full moon and the second part on the new moon.
In the first part of the ritual, the life of the wood is extinguished and mourning of death commences. The wood is purified and is left a clean slate to be programmed.
A shortened version of the ritual will be added shortly. Stay tuned.
EQZ Spiro-Technology Images
I did an EQZ after this ritual and although I have a lot more captures to go through, some of the results I got were amazing so I wanted to share what I have so far. Keep in mind that this type of spirit photo imaging works by showing energies and entities that are drawn to the subject in question - in this case the wood for the project. These could be energies that were already attached to the wood and it could be new energies and entities that were drawn in that match the energy signature of the wood or more importantly - its intention.
The intention was the Ukuvuka ritual - life-death - life.
Click the button to the right to see this pictures now.
Ukuvuka Ritual Part 2
Step 2

The second part of the Ukuvuka ritual is where life must be restored to the wood and given its life purpose through powerful ritual and ancient arts.
The wood plays a very important part of this project because it serves as a home for the spirit who will call the coffin that will be made out of this wood - home. The spirit needs to feel safe, secure, contented and most importantly - alive again. In order to accomplish this, specific programming must be complete and the energy signature of the wood must be explicit.
The programming of the wood has been accomplished and the actual construction of the coffins will commence. There is no specific ritual for the other than the objective.
Additional EQZ images will be available as the video footage is gone though.
To view the video that shows sections of the two-part ritual, please click the button below.
Actual Construction of the Vessels
Step 3

Now the the wood has been properly prepared through the Ukuvuka ritual, it is time to make the coffin. This has to be done in two parts as well.
Cutting the necessary pieces of wood to make the actual coffin itself is step one. Painting the coffin with programmed intent and adding sacred sigils and symbols will have to be completed before attaching all of the pieces. These sacred symbols are enchanted and empowered by sacred spirits or deities to oversee not only the entire project, but to lock into place the details of the project purpose.
To the right, you can see the two coffins and grave markers that I have finished, completed with magickal symbolism and programmed to do its job.
Constructing the Binding Chains
Step 4

The coffin's lid is not secured to the box itself. Instead, it will be kept in place by a binding chain. The chain will wrap around the coffin to keep the lid in place. It is handmade in order to make it's energy and programming even more powerful.
The chain has a more important function and that is to bind the spirit to the box as well as to bind the contract to the spirit, the box and the one who casts this ancient covenant. Remember, the spirit is a willing participant. The spirit can also roam freely, but most return immediately as soon as he/she is called upon and must return at night.
The binding chain will be blessed by an ancient, very powerful spirit and this binding can only be broken by the caster.
Stay tuned for more!
Preparing the Container
Step 5
The container is a very important part of the graveyard as this is what actually serves as sacred ground for the spirits that will be living here for three years. I like to use a glass or plastic container for this project. I have secured my container, it needs to be properly prepared in order to make it sacred. It also needs to be programmed to accept and care for the spirits that will rest within. It needs to be bound to the covenant that the spirits will be bound to as well. Just like any other graveyard or sacred ground, this tiny graveyard will need a gatekeeper - a watcher to oversee the safety of their keep.
For all of this to happen, a cleansing ritual along with sanctified ceremonial blessings will need to occur. Once this happens, then the most important step of the entire process can commence. Since it is getting cold out where I live, I need to get this moving because this part needs to take place at an actual cemetery.
Don't worry - there will be no disrespecting the dead, no disturbing of graves, no mischievous shenanigans whatsoever. I always give the utmost respect to cemeteries and their inhabitants.
I literally need to contact the lord of death and find a volunteer to inhabit my little cemetery. Hopefully this will happen on the first try.
Possession of the Skulls
Ukutholakala Nento Ritual
Step 6

Picture of one of the skulls.
It is time to take the skulls to the graveyard in order to find two volunteer wondering ghosts to possess them. As you can imagine, this is no easy task, but it is the one that makes this entire project/experiment function. The skulls are super tiny. They are about a half an inch tall and a quarter inch wide. They are hand-carved from the bone of a large animal. I only obtain bones from people that do not harm animals. The animals that they take the bones from were found dead.
Using real bone is actually an important part of a necromancy forbidden ancient arts project.
The bones were taken to a cemetery where a short ritual was performed, the skulls were buried, an offering was made, the gatekeeper was paid and two possessions took place. Some dirt that they were buried with was obtained as well.
Testing for Possession
Step 7
Once the skulls are exhumed, they need to be tested for signs of life. This is where I set up a short, yet effective paranormal experiment to communicate with whatever may have possessed the skull. Permisi EVP is the best method of testing. I test each skull individually so I know if one or both have been possessed. If none are possessed, then Ukutholakala Nento ritual needs to be performed once again. Even if just one was possessed, I still have to perform the ritual again to accomplish this objective for the other one. So, it is with high hopes, that both skulls are possessed the first time around.
When testing the skulls for possession, I am happy to relay that both skulls are now inhabited with the wondering ghosts of two male humans which made contact via Permisi EVP. Skull #1 left a total of 11 EVPs and skull #2 left a total of 16 EVPs. Some of those EVPs were multiple answers for one question. I also did a quick second EVP communication to see what names they wanted to be called by. Just and FYI - the covenant prevents these shades from breaking their loyalty.
Check out the EVPs to the right. You can read my blog post giving you more information about these EVPs by clicking the button below.
Gotta get those skulls into their new homes now so they can settle in and become familiar with their new surroundings and house rules.
Possession Test
EVP Session
Skull #1
Skull #2
Name Request
Skull #1
Skull #2
Assembling the Graveyard
After the skulls were tested for possession, it was imperative that they get into their new 'homes' as soon as possible and that actually took several steps to accomplish. The ancient arts ritual of Qeda, which is a ritual of binding and sealing - also a finalizing of the covenant, had to be performed as the skulls entered the coffins. The binding chains were added with words of power and the entire process was watched over by the three deities. One of them assisted me with the Qeda. Now I will give them a few days to settle in.
Step 8

Shade's First Mission
Mission 1
I gave the shades two days to get settled in before giving them a simple task. The task was to work with me so that I could try to get more information about them, who they are, what they wanted me to know and give them the chance to ask me questions. I wanted to do another Permisi EVP session with each one of them. I also wanted to find out if Korin Ching was indeed possessing one of the skulls as well.
After the EVP session, I followed up with an EQZ Spiro-Technology session hoping to get more visual information on them. I had to explain everything to them them as they are just regular deceased wondering spirits that have no knowledge of the paranormal world - even though they are a part of it. What an oxymoron!
I will have to teach them how to strengthen their own paranormal abilities, powers, teach them what they are capable of doing and how to do it, and they will get a lot of practice doing tasks and missions.
I will post any EVPs and EQZ images that I get from this task.
I also gave them their first sustenance which will be a necessity to do weekly and after tasks.
To listen to the EVPs rom this session, click the button below. Images and a blog entry coming soon!