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Introduction to the Graveyard Project


Forbidden arts are forbidden because they are powerful. They are powerful because they are rooted in very ancient times by very powerful people or beings. These arts have had millennia after millennia to build up all that energy, create masses of it and had time for those masses to take on shape, form, grow and become sentient. This makes them extremely powerful and as the thousands of years pass, these masses grow exponentially - especially with people constantly and consistently feeding it power and using its power. It is like the roots of a tree being nourished so it flourishes and grows. The branches are extending out in all its power and glory. We all know how massive and powerfully strong a 100 year old tree trunk is. Imagine if it was 3000 years old - what would that be like? Sure you could cut it down - which would be horrible, but with ancients arts, you cannot cut that down. It is a being of its own volition that you can tap into and absorb the energy, manipulate it for your outcome, learn from it as it learns from you. This is just a brief idea of how immensely strong ancient forbidden arts are.

Forbidden arts are also grossly mistaken for dark workings and evil doings. Sure, they can certainly be used for baneful purposes; however, any type of paranormal work can be used for negative intent. Even people who work within the light can be light corrupted. I use forbidden arts to enhance and empower my paranormal experimentation.

With that said, this graveyard project found its way to me little by little. It wasn't something I was planning on doing. I first obtained tiny skulls that were carved from bone (not by me) and in the shape of a human skull. No animals were purposely slaughtered in order to obtain their bones. I thought the skulls were cute, but I knew that they would have a use to enhance some of my work. After a while, I found graveyards in a bowl. Someone made them and they were cute in that morbid adorable way if that is possible. They even had tiny headstones. Great Halloween decoration, but very elaborate to just purchase or make for one day of the year - still, they appealed to me and thousands of other people.

That gave me an idea and of course I had to think it through very carefully. I know so many people will disagree with my idea and so many will love it, but I am here to do paranormal experimentation so that is what I will do with this project. Before you decide to stop reading thinking that this project is a little too hairy for your - let me give you a full picture before you make your decision. I always weigh out everything I do before doing it and everything always has a risk factor so I take that into consideration along with how to prevent risks from turning into issues. I always employ the proper amount of spiritual/psychic protective measures and they sometimes include other entities to watch over my work.

I have two small skull heads and I am going to possess them with a soul piece of a wondering spirit HOWEVER, this possession will be of the spirit's own free will! I would never force a spirit to be bound to anything. Wondering spirits are miserable, they cannot free themselves of their grey, lost path without help. They would welcome any type of life to make them feel alive again. They would gladly possess the skull and enter into an agreement with me in exchange for my nurturing and caring for them. At the end of a set and agreed upon time period, I would offer another agreement if they wanted to stay and if they did not, then I would send them to the afterlife that they desire so that they would not have to go back to wondering along again.

Once the skull is possessed and I do test that it is, then they would be placed in an artificially made 'home' - a graveyard of peace and serenity were they can dwell until our agreement is void. I would keep to my end of the arrangement and they to theirs.

What is their end of the agreement? Well this will vary but they will help me to bring in energies that I am wanting to work with, empower energies, seek out objectives, situation recon, preternatural intermediary, and the list goes on. Every task is rewarded and praised. Offerings of sincerity occur. It is a delicate balance of give and take, affinity and credence, taskmaster and shiki - must keep a duality balance. To top it all off, there will be two very powerful entities that will watch over the agreement to be sure it is enforced properly. The agreement can be broken by me at any time and requested to be void by the spirit at any time in which case I will comply with their wishes. You could say this spirit is a type of 'assistant'.

There is a lot of time, effort, ritual, craftmanship, tools, and energy that go into a project like this as well as money for construction, to keep to the agreement and to please the spirit. I have been haunting items for decades in order to study the paranormal - and all of an entity's free will, but this experiment will have greater benefits for both parties and hopefully exceptional results. They will feel included, accepted and part of something, instead of remaining lost, lonely, scared, confused - wondering for who knows how long before something may or may not come along to snap them out of their dream-like state to try to find their way home or to heaven - or wherever else they may be from.

The majority of my planning is complete and the items I need are almost attained. I will begin ritual soon in order to prepare the wood for their coffins - their resting place in their personalized graveyard. Every step of this project needs to be programmed with strong intention, outside forces and adept undertakings.

I will be posting more as the progression of this project begins which I am hoping to begin it within the week ahead. I hope to have video clips, pictures and maybe perhaps even some EVPs for you depending upon what is taking place during each step.

If this seems too bizarre for you or goes against what you feel is right - well please skip over this experiment. My intention is not to make anyone feel uncomfortable or to harm another spiritual being. I state my complete honest intentions to that being and if they agree, then we enter into that agreement. If they do not agree, I move on to find another candidate. It is like filling a job position with a great reward at the end and nurturing all throughout.

This is the way of forbidden arts, but you can take my word for it, there are so very many people out there who do not think twice to take a spirit and bind them to a vessel without a care to what that being wants. The binding is usually forever and unless someone else other than the one who did the binding knows this even occurred, that spirit is trapped until the binding wears off and that could take centuries. Also, some practitioners of forbidden arts are also practitioners of the dark arts. Even some people who practice dark arts do not use them to do harm to others. Please try to keep an open mind.

If this project appeals to your curiosity, then stay tuned for what is ahead. If not, then I respect your opinion and I thank you for stopping by.


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