So it has been a while since I have been able to update this website. Between still recovering from my accident and trying to catch up on all of my parents room work it has been hard to get back here to update everything.
So I just recently did an experiment two nights ago that I thought was very interesting that I would like to tell you about. Of course when I get the results I will try to put them up as quickly as possible. Before I can really tell you about the experiment itself you need a little bit of background information.
So this experiment has to do with my time total project and that is where I work on getting things from the past, present and future either all of the same time or at least two of the three at the same time in different and varying situations.
This experiment has to do with the particular deceased person that I had summoned as part of a course that I'm teaching on EQZ Spiro-Technology™. During the course I give a demonstration to my students on something called specific summoning. In order to do this you have to pick out the particular spirit that you would like to work with and I wanted to make sure that the spirit that I chose would be a benevolent entity that could perhaps yield some great results for my class. So I chose St Catherine of Siena as I thought that she would be a great choice.
During the experiment a lot of images came out on the dark side indicating that perhaps St Catherine had some negative energy or even entities present with her and that got me to thinking. I pointed these things out to my students kind of demonstration because they have to be aware of all situations. But since this course was a beginner to intermediate course this is where I stopped the demonstration with them however the situation the St Catherine was so interesting that I decided to take it up a notch and employ the advanced level of accusing Spirit technology as well as bringing in different paranormal methods to get more information from her and about her.
This worked out quite well as my suspicions about her having Dark Energy here entities around her were correct. I need contact with St Catherine and she was indeed plagued by several demons. The demons also came through and spoke to me as they were not very happy with me because they felt that I was trying to rid St Catherine of them. In situations like this there are several different Avenues you could take in order to progress with the situation but I really did not want to deal with demons that have been attached to her for over 600 years. I did learn a lot about her and her situation.
This information also allowed me to present my students with a bonus lesson on what to do if your session goes dark - which can and will happen from time to time. The entire two lessons that I did for my students really took a very interesting twist and made for a great YouTube video, so when I was finished with my course, I made the video which you can watch by clicking on the button below this article.
So now that you have that background information, I can tell you about my experiment. I thought it would be great if I could find Saint Catherine in the past, the present and the future but I was looking for specific information. Since St. Catherine had her first revelation and visitation from Jesus at the age of approximately 5 to 6 years old, I wanted to see what her childhood was like and what she was like before this visitation. I wanted to know if she believed in God and if she had psychic experiences.
I wanted to contact her future self but in a parallel world, I could find a St. Catherine who grew up and did not die at the early age of 33 like she did in her life here. I wanted to find out what her life could have been if she never got involved in the church.
I also wanted to contact herself again just as I did for the course I was preparing so I could question her further. So this present contact would actually be considered her present afterlife.
This meant that I had to summon St. Catherine 3 separate times as I was reaching out to three separate time frames. From what I could tell during the experiment and from the little bit that I have gone through so far, it seems as though I was successful but I still have quite a bit to go through. Some of these experiments take several months to go through everything.
Just a word about demons - they love to go after religious figures as they are the biggest challenges and the best trophies when they win them over. Saint Catherine was a very prominent religious figure of her time. It was said that there was a witness that felt that she was attacked by demons on her deathbed. They said that St. Catherine started to change and she was trying to signal that something was wrong by making various signs with her head and arms indicating a demonic attack.
Even when I was doing research on St. Catherine before I did her very first summoning for my class demonstration, I was suspicious of demonic activity from just some of the information that was out there .
People still continue to pray to St. Catherine which ordinarily would be fine, but considering that she is still plagued with demons even 644 years after her death, I feel that those prayers are either not reaching her or that they are received by demons. If that is the case, then the demons could prevent her from hearing the prayers of they could allow the prayers to be heard but she would not be able to help, which would torment her more and make the demons even happier. Also, there is the possibility that the demons could respond to the prayer in a negative manner making it potentially dangerous for the person who is prayer.
So there is some food for though. I will try to post more on this experiment when results become available. In the meantime, click the button below and watch the YouTube video on Saint Catherine, 'When Paranormal Sessions go Dark'.