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Kitten From the Future


Updated: Nov 15, 2023

So here is a short but amazing post on how I came to meet and keep a wonderful furbaby, a kitten that came to me from the future.

Sound crazy? Perhaps but read on!

So on September 3, 2022 Elite Paranormal Specialists did an experiment involving a deity. There were a lot of great results that I have posted here on this website that you can check out at the following link:

Experiments take a long time to go through all of the video, audio and imaging that comes from it. Sometimes it takes 6 or more months. This was definitely the case; however, another circumstance came about that prolonged the conclusion of the experiment for many months and that was an accident that occured that took many months of recovery - so everything here at Elite Paranormal Specialists was placed on hold.

Moving on to a pleasant evening in October 2023, I was out for an evening stroll with my son as I needed to walk as physical therapy to help recover from the accident. On my way back to my house, my son and I heard a kitten mewing from one of the houses near ours. We figured it belonged to our neighbor but felt it was strange that a kitten so small was outside on a chilly autumn night.

Just then, my oldest daughter called my son's phone to ask where we were because she was heading out to the the store and wanted to know if we needed anything and didn't know where we had gone off to. My daughter heard the kitten in the background and inquired about it. Next thing I know, my daughter and granddaughter met us a house or two down from the house where we heard the kitten. The kitten ran out to my granddaughter.

My daughter and granddaughter tried to get a look at the kitten and the little one did come up to them but then ran back. So we all headed back to our house. Next thing we know, the kitten had followed us home but hid under our car just crying and crying. My son brought out a can of cat food and the litte one ran out from under the car and jammed his head into the can. He started eating ravenously. This is when we noticed that he was probably an orphan. His coat was dirty, he was skinny and very hungry. He had some cuts and he was frightened. He didn't want to leave us and we didn't want him to get hurt living outside to fend for himself. It was obvious that he was only a few months old and was having a tough start in life.

We took him in and gave him a warm cozy bed for the night with food, water and toys. We looked for someone who might be missing a kitten in several surrounding neighborhoods including our own. No one was claiming the little guy and we figured that would be the case because he was very messy. We took him to the vet and he got his shots and a clean bill of health. We decided to keep him where he wouldn't have to worry about where he was getting his next meal or if he would find a predator. The vet placed him at 3 months old and he was just the most lovable little guy and so adorable.

So here is how it came to pass that this little guy was brought to us from the future.

So as of this writing, it is now November 15, 2023 and little Bowie has been with us for a little over a month and living his best life. I was here online putting up EQZ Spiro-Technology images of the deity experiment. As I was putting up the images, I saw that there was a little kitten in the one image and the very next image that came out was the word bow. The kitten in the image is white but I was using a negative filter.

The kitten in the image looks a lot like Bowie - who we call Bow for short. When the experiment was done and the images were obtained, it was a year and two months from the time we actually found little Bow. A lot of things had to come to pass the night we found him to be in the right place at the right time. Many more things than the ones I had mentioned above. It's funny because when we found him and were debating on keeping him or fostering him - we were all talking about how it must have been meant to be as the events - that actually started early in the day, that led to us meeting up with Bow, had to be a miracle and he was meant to be part of our family. ♥

Obviously I saw the pictures of the experiment a while back but they were just images that came out that didn't really have much of a personal meaning to me - but an experiment like that wouldn't usually give me personal information about myself or my family - although it does happen.

When I saw the images tonight as I was putting them on the website, I was like - OMG! This is Bowie and this means that these photos came from before he was even born. Just because I do paranormal work, doesn't mean that every image I get comes from a deceased person or animal. There are many live beings that come through. I also get past and future events as well but that is more rare - well until my Time-Portal Project started where I can now get many of these types of events.

So in conclusion, little adorable Bowie made himself known to us 14 months before he actually arrived at our home. It was an entire year before he was even born. Either his spirit came through EQZ imaging as a verification that he will be arriving as this does happen, or a higher force was letting us know that he would be coming - after all, it was a deity experiment. It is crazy but awesome how these things play out, but that is the paranormal world for you.

Bowie is our miracle kitty from the future. Click the button below to see the EQZ Images of Bow and his name from the spirit images. The real little kitty is next to the spirit images. You have to scroll down to the 9th picture on the the page to find him.

Leave Bowie some love!


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