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This is where you will find past experiments, some of our investigations, tips, and all kinds of paranormal goodies! The eyeballs are links to the finished experiment videos on our YouTube channel.
Below you will find a description and some information about each archived experiment.
Just click the link and you will be taken to the completed video on our YouTube channel - PsychicMyst Paranormal Network - to see some awesome paranormal results.
Newest videos are at always added on the last page.
This page contains our oldest videos.

Click on the number of the page you want to go to. This is page zero.

Enjoy Our Past Experiments!
Dedication. Expertise. Passion, Results!
Check out all of our unique, amazing experiments below. Just click the eyeball and you will be taken to our YouTube Channel to the experiment indicated!
Please like, comment, share and subscribe!
Something Weird Going
On in My House
The ghosts in my house trying to get my attention in the strangest way. You have to check this one out!
Haunted Object Gives Positive Response to Confirm its Presence
This haunted necklace comes with an entity that responded when asked it if was present with the investigators.
Spirit ITC Session
Short spirit box session using a Phasmabox and a Perlin noise generator. Can you find the results?
Ghost Answers Question
Making communications with a ghost using a triboelectric sensor.
Ghost Moves Quickly Right in Front of the Camera
Ghost Fly-By Literally - Camera was found on its side.
Ghost Sensor Responds to Request
Ghost was asked to walk by a sensor for the second time and it complies.
What Lurks in the Wake of the Midnight Moon
What is watching you under the midnight moon? An eerie paranormal tale that will creep you out - BUT the story is true!
Ouija Board: The Truth Disclosed
It's not the board, it's how it's used that makes it dangerous. Learn how this works and how to stay safe!
Haunted Object Question: Response Via Parascope
Ghost uses paranormal device to let me know they can see me.
Attic Ghost
Rare rod discovered at paranormal investigation.

Paranormal Humor
Funny paranormal memes.
Ghost Caught on SLS Camera
Ghost gets caught lounging on my office chair.
Paranormal Earth Nature Spirits
Join me on a short quest to find nature spirits in their own habitat.
Paranormal Haunted Mirror Portal EVP/ITC Experiment
Double portal experiment including a haunted mirror yields incredible results!
EVP Pendulum Experiment
Spirits answer questions using both the pendulum and EVP methods. ITC images included as well!
Exploring Haunted Collins Lane Farmhouse
A little walk-through to check out this very haunted location.
A Sign From the Universe
Check out the amazing signs that were sent to me from my spirit guide
and the universe.
Tapping Into Other Worlds With ITC
Pictures and EVPs from entities that came through on the Flash Portal ITC experiment.
Ghosts in My House
Two ghosts in my home interacting with a family member as he
plays a video game.
EVP Experiment - Bugs and Insects
Pretty cool EVPs concerning the afterlife of bugs and insects.

The Moaning Ghost - Short Clip of an Unexpected Visitor
A moaning ghost was captured on a vine video of a friend of ours who shared it with us and now we are
sharing it with you.
Paranormal App Reacts to
Demonic Research
While working on a new workshop for my students, a paranormal app reacted to the research I was doing.
A Familiar Haunting
Paranormal Investigation
Deceased dad and ex homeowner haunts client's home.
Being Updated - Check Back Soon

Paranormal Afterlife Soul Umbra Invocation Analysis
Contact with a deceased pet and obtained proof that he is in the afterlife.

Séance Board EVP Experiment Results
Experimenting with a séance board app gives interesting results.
Paranormal Communication With a Deceased Little Girl
The ghost of a little girl made contact with us. Check out her
pictures and EVPs.
Ghost Wave Paranormal Experiment
Three phase experiment producing a new discovery.

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