Experiments in Progress
Below are the experiment details and results from the Haitian Voudon Experiment that is still in progress. It began on Saturday, April 3rd, 2022 and is on-going until concluded.
You can read about each phase of the experiment and view the results. The results that you see below can be updated as more results come through. When the experiment is completed - or sometimes even before it is completed - a YouTube video will become available that has more exciting detail about the experiment.
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Haitian Voudon
Master of the Void
First Trial Experiment
The purpose of this experiment was to conjure and make contact with the master of the void. I did not specify which void I wanted to conjure from as I left that to chance; however, my hypothesis was that the response would come from the dark void.
Date and Location:
Saturday, April 3rd, 2022 at my home paranormal lab
Equipment Used:
FS Digital Camera, Double EM Generator, Thermal Array, Flash Recorder
Methods Utilized:
EQZ Spiro-Technology™, Symphonic Imprint ™, Permisi™ EVP
1 EVP, 3 positive array captures, 33 positive EQZ captures
Summary and Conclusion:
Half of the EVP session was missing in spite of all recorders functioning properly. Entity contact was positive. Master of the void did not distinguish who they were among the entities that came through. The EVP was obtained using the Permisi™ technique so no ghost boxes or other devices/apps were used. The second positive array capture indicated a class A close range or contact with the device itself due to its reset. There were 15 humanoid beings and 6 other type of creatures captured utilizing EQZ. In conclusion, the experiment led to many positive captures and warranted further examination.
Objectives for follow up:
1) Call back the master of the void and get positive identification
2) Summon back chosen entities to communicate and question
It is interesting to note that part of the EVP session for this trial experiment went missing. The EVP file was there, but there was nothing recorded. There was recordings before it and after it, but mysteriously gone in a particular area. The recorder is working perfectly fine.
Haitian Voudon Gallery 1

Haitian Voudon
Master of the Void 1st Follow Up 2nd Experiment
The purpose of this experiment was to call back the master of the void and have this entity identify themselves. as well as conjuring back, with the assistance of the master of the void, 6 chosen entities that came forward from the EQZ technique employed. I chose the entities that I felt gave off the strongest psychic energy also taking into consideration, their ability to imprint in the EQZ image.
Date and Location:
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 at my home paranormal lab
Equipment Used:
Double EM Generator, EM Pump, Thermal Array, SBox, audio recorder, Portal Box, 1 Laptop, 1 Computer
Methods Utilized:
EQZ Spiro-Technology™, Symphonic Imprint ™, Permisi EVP™, SBox,
57 EVPs, 16 positive array captures, 45 EQZ images
Summary and Conclusion:
This session proved my first objective of a positive capture via EVP confirming the master of the void and a very brief array confirmation. My second objective was also proven as most of the entities that were chosen to conjure back did make an appearance. Several EVPs that were captured were threatening indicating a malevolent being. Also, many EVPs led to the belief of a connection between the master of the void, one or more beings that came through and the masked-face beings, the Squask. (From a previous long-term experiment that is still in progress.) New beings came through that led me to believe that a new race of beings have been discovered.
In conclusion, this experiment left many new questions to be asked and a connection to be investigated. Also, I am postulating the connection between the beings of Pandioricus - the Squask. I am hypothesizing the possibility of the discovery of a new race of malevolent beings. I am abandoning contact with the master of the void for the time being as some of the threats were more severe and personal. I may continue contact with this being sometime in the future. In the meantime, my research will continue with the other entities that I discovered from this experiment as they seem to be some kind of species from their own world.
Obectives for follow up:
1) Confirm a new race of beings.
2) Summon back chosen entities to continue communicate and questioning.
3) Prove a connection between this new race and/or the new evil being #2 with the Squask.
4) Research the knowledge of these beings for my future technological developments.
5) Possibly find out if the theorized picture of the Master of the Void is correct.
Several new beings came forward through this follow up experiment which you will see when you view the pictures from the EQZ portion of the experiment. These beings combined with the ones that came through the first time leads me to hypothesize that I may have discovered a new race of beings which I am terming the long-headed beings until I can prove my hypothesis and find out what type of beings they are.
When listening to the EVPs, you can hear each entity's EVP responses and I have a picture of the 6 entities plus the master of the void under the EVPs of this section so you can see the entity speaking.
There were more lost EVPs as some of the recording was missing - just as in the first session. The recorders all checked out to be in working order.
Gallery Haitian Voudon 2

Haitian Voudon
Master of the Void 2nd Follow Up
3rd Experiment
The purpose of this experiment was to question the entities from the first follow up and to get confirmation of the discovery of a new race of beings. Proving the suspicion that these beings were somehow connected with the Squask was also a big purpose. Finally, obtaining technical information on making improvements to my experimental techniques and methods was a big objective.
Date and Location:
Saturday, May 21st, 2022 at my home paranormal lab
Equipment Used:
Single EM Generator, Thermal Imager, Thermal Array, SBox, 2 Computers, Perlin Noise, Tesla Coil
Methods Utilized:
EQZ Spiro-Technology™, Symphonic Imprint ™, Permisi EVP™, SBox, Spektrocom and Spiritron
36 EVPs, 6 Perlin Images, 58 EQZ Images, 10 Array Responses
Summary and Conclusion:
This experiment had varying results, especially the EVP section. Several entities came through and there was validation of a previous entity, Lord Vellum. Not much was mentioned to help me advance my work, but what was said did prove to be useful. There was some contradiction in answers and several of those responses did verify that there is a connection with the Squask. EQZ Spiro-Technology showed that the Squask was indeed present. There were references that took on the tone of malevolency from both the long-headed beings, now referred to as the Ropayans and the Squask. At this time, it is very likely that these experiments are proving the existence of a new race of beings.
Obectives for follow up:
1) To confirm even further that this is a discovery of a new race of beings.
2) To get further useful information to advance my paranormal invention and further para-
science technology.
3) Obtain more specific information about these beings as a species
4) To discover what why the Squask obtained the assistance of the Ropayans. I am suspicious that they forcefully persuaded the Ropayans to do their bidding and work with them to accomplish their goals concerning my experiments.
The master of the void is no longer included in this experiment as he is too volatile to work with and I may consider contacting him again at a future point in time. EVPs from this session were mysteriously missing again and a repeat session needed to be conducted which was accomplished successfully two days following the experiment on May 23, 2022. I know that the Squask is involved with these beings. I feel that there may have been a couple of ghostly strays among the entities called upon such as Peter Branton and the entity #9 that said they did not come from the void.
You can listen to the EVPs and see the Perlin and EQZ pictures by clicking the buttons below. The positive array video clip will have to be viewed when the video of this part of the experiment is released.
Haitian Voudon Gallery 3
Haitian Voudon
Beings of the Void 3rd Follow Up
4th Experiment
The main purpose of this experiment was to follow up with questions that I had from the responses of previous experiments from these beings. All of the objectives from follow up three were included in the intensive questioning.
Date and Location:
May 28, 2022 at my home paranormal lab.
Equipment Used:
1 audio recorder, 1 computer, 1 laptop
Methods Utilized:
Permisi EVP™, 2 Spirit Boxes, Spiritron, Perlin Noise
30 EVPs, 5 Perlin Images
Summary and Conclusion:
While I did make successful contact with these beings again, the responses were not quite what I was hoping for. I feel that there was enough supporting evidence to confirm objective number 4 - that the Squask did indeed recruit the Ropayans to keep an eye on me. Also, object number one in providing evidence that the Ropayans are a newly discovered race of beings, was touched on and gave a little more conclusive evidence of a positive resolution. There were strays of EVP Evidence that supported objective three as just a little more was learned about their race. In summary, I did not feel that this experiment yielded the intended results but was somewhat beneficial to the whole. I still feel that further experimentation could be enlightening and useful.
Objectives for follow up:
1) Continue to learn as much as possible about the Ropayans
2) Continue to try getting more information that will help me advance para-science and the technology I am working on developing
3) Ask follow up questions to the many responses that were given during this experiment that need further explanation
Even though I did not receive as many responses of the kind that I was hoping for, I did get some information and an idea of the new direction that this experiment seems to be moving in. The Ropayans came through the dark void along with the exceptionally powerful and daunting master of that adverse realm. At first they presented themselves in a non-threatening, yet persuasive manner. They quickly understood what my purpose was for the experiment and transposed accordingly. In subsequent communication, these beings exceeded my original objectives concerning the construction and operation of a paranormal experimental device that I have been working on. I am always on the search for new ways to build upon and improve this device, but these entities gave me more information than any other to date. However, at this point in this on-going experiment, there was a noticeable change in the amount of information that the Ropayans were revealing in this area. There was more indication of the presence of the Squask making it apparent that they enacted a takeover. I am inquisitive as to how the Ropayans will carry out the "orders" of the Squask and even more curious to know what the Squask did in order to gain the cooperation of the Ropayans. What is at risk or what are the consequences of not following these orders?
Haitian Voudon
Beings of the Void 4th follow up
5th experiment
To continue learning and discovering from the Ropayans about them as a species. It is also to gain more knowledge about para-scientific methods I can incorporate into my own work as well as gaining the help and assistance needed to continue construction on a device I am building.
Date and Location:
Saturday, June 11, 2022 at my home paranormal lab
Equipment Used:
1 computer, 1 audio recorder, SBox, ALB EVP
Methods Utilized:
Permisi EVP, EQZ-SpiroTechnology
43 EVPs, 26 EQZ Images - to be updated
Summary and Conclusion:
This was a very successful session as far as making progress with obtaining technological information for my technological developments. There was some information obtained about the Ropayans along with a warning to turn back - I am assuming that could be away from my experiment, away from my developments or it could be a warning to stop communication with the Squask - possibly all three. The was more confirmation about the Squask being involved with the Ropayans on this project. Overall, it was a rewarding experiment and warrants yet another follow up.
Objectives for follow up:
1) My main objective for follow up is to try to get more extensive and deeper meaningful information to progress the communication with these entities.
2) To obtain even more information and knowledge to continue work on my para-scientific device.
3) Attempt an alternate method of contact in order to zero in on the Ropayans in a more exact approach
This and the previous experiment were solely focused on EVP questioning although that is my main and best source of obtaining information. Providing a source of power for the entities in order to give me strong, informative EVPs is worth more than visuals for the most part - although visuals are important.