Present Experiments
In progress

Check out more information about my experiments and my inventions at the bottom of this page.
This is where you will find a list of my current experiments that are in progress. You can read what the experiment is all about, what is involved and results of each phase.
You can also write in and make suggestions for each experiment or give me ideas for new experiments.
Our blog has even more information about the experiments and explanations of the EVPs and images, plus a lot of cool paranormal information!
Check out our page of past experiments too - they are pretty awesome!
Click on the experiment in progress that you would like to learn about below
Check out our archive for past experiments
I've done paranormal investigations for 40 years, but I concentrate almost exclusively on paranormal experimentation, advanced research and progressing para-science.
From time to time, we do field investigations so they will be listed at the bottom of this page. Past investigations and experiments will be listed in the archives.
Haitian Voudon Experiment
Experiment to contact other-worldly being - the master of the void and ended up being threatened. Met a new race of beings in the process that I am learning about and learning from. Some are assisting me in my quest to improve my paranormal communications and experiment techniques via scientific methods.
Spritzer Furman Haunted Mirror Experiment
I obtained an old vintage mirror that contains the spirits of several ghosts that are attached. They are telling the story of their tragic death via EVP and manipulating my cameras by themselves.
Forbidden Arts
Graveyard Project
I have been practicing many lost, forbidden arts for decades and through these practices, I make great strides in para-science. The graveyard project is the creation of my own graveyard of possessed objects that I conjure through these arts. It is a complex and complicated process, but very effective in making paranormal breakthroughs.
Masked-Face Beings
(The Josh Chronicles)
This experiment turned out to be a complete surprise. I discovered a new race of malevolent beings that I have been studying for years. The story that unfolded with these beings is more than amazing and actually intertwined with my personal life.
Nikola Tesla Experiment
Since I am a paranormal scientist I decided that I would contact Nikola Tesla to give me some great advice on helping me to build my paranormal device as there are several issues that I need to work out. He did come through and I learned something about Mr. Tesla that made me feel sad for him - not due to his life that he lived here on the Earth plane, but from his existence now. I will post some of the things I get from him but due to the nature of what I am doing, much of this will have to be kept private for now.
Time Portal Project and Experiment
I have been working with time and space via portals for a long time now and I have had amazing results and a couple of breakthroughs too! I have devised my own unique techniques and methods to bring about these major discoveries.
I now have the resources to conduct a new experiment - actually it will be a long-term project - in time/space mechanics. My goal is to continue to the next level where my previous experiments left off. I want to: 1) Find the missing variable to capture a paranormal time/space binary physical singular event utilizing portal technology upon demand. 2) Utilize new methodologies to make discoveries in time/space - particularly past, present and future, as a simultaneous mutli-dimensional instance. This will all be done using advanced portal technology, vibro-frequencies, Elequa-Z Spiro-Technology, Satrix-L and various ancillary modi.
Experiments begin in January/February 2023.
Friday the 13th Cat Séance
There has been a black cat spirt in our home ever since we moved in a little over 2 years ago. Most of our family has seen this cat several times so with the help of EPS's Brielle, I set out to try to discover if this kitty was a prior resident or perhaps something a little more sinister. Stay tuned as the results are forth-coming.
The X-Wave project is a rather ambitious project concerning advanced portal work. I have opened many portals for years and have had much success in contacting other types of entities, species, finding other dimensions and discovering amazing things. I usually only need to open a small portal to accomplish this but I have opened larger portals. This portal will be much different in not only in the type of portal it is, but the size, the strength and it capabilities - both in the spiritual and physical sense. So the X-Wave project is actually a scientific inventions - a completely new device that will working with this new type of portal. It will allow for so many experiments for years to come. It has been a work in progress and will still take some time to complete construction. I need to consult with some experts in certain other fields in order to get this device to its completion, but I am very excited about it and the immense and enormous possibilities that it will present.
Archangel Michael
2nd Experiment
This is a second contact with Archangel Michael. This entity has assisted me with many projects, has been there for me and my family for protection and strength. I wanted to once again make contact and try to get some divine guidance for people. I worked on getting more visuals for this particular communication experiment. Stay tuned.
Possessed Items
These are items that are haunted but become that way because they were possessed by an entity. They didn't attach themselves to it because of a death like most items, but were purposely possessing the item. This doesn't mean that the entity is necessarily malevolent, but it usually means that the entity is not a deceased human in the majority of cases.
Utilizing lost forbidden arts, I sometimes possess objects for research purposes or to assist others with their paranormal, psychic or magickal workings.
Right now, I am working on possessing the Master of the Darkness Vessel. I will be posting the vessel and the progression of the possession very soon!
Help Wanted for this Project
This project is based on the theory that the weather and atmospheric conditions have an affect on paranormal endeavors. The issue is that nothing substantial has been proven or consistent.
A lot of data will need to be collected and studied over a long period of time. I will need the help of those who work in the paranormal fields such as paranormal investigators, researchers, psychics, mediums and magic practitioners.
If you are interested in helping with this project, you will collect a small, but important amount of data when you do any type of paranormal investigation or other type of paranormal session. It will only take a few minutes of your time. You can submit the information on a form right here on this website. It is quick and simple, yet may lead to advancing the paranormal and making significant breakthroughs.
For more info and to register, click the
following button.
About my Experiments
I do many types of experiments.
I do experiments that explore the big questions in life such as life itself. How did we get here, is there a God, who is God, angels, demons, other-worldly entities.
I do experiments that explore time and space by working with portals and components that promote these operations.
I spend quite some time contacting and working with many types of entities to learn more about what occupies the invisible realms and what information they can give me about us - if any.
I also do experiments that utilize para-scientific devices, methods and techniques that I have invented and developed during the 40 years I have been involved in this field.
I perform experiments that allow me to make discoveries of new worlds, realms and entities or life-forms so I can learn about their world as they can learn about ours.
I like to do experiments with the nature kingdom making contact with various elemental spirits. It doesn't stop at elementals, but also with nature itself.
I've done many experiments with animals and pets that are ill or that have passed away and learned that they too, transcend death to a new afterlife. They grieve for us as well.
I work with trying to expose the hidden secrets of this world as well as exposing the poisons that are man-made in items such as medications, food, water and elements, etc.
My Inventions
I have developed a new Instrumental TransCommunication technique that takes spirit photography to a very advanced level. This method is called Elaqua-Zephla ™ or EQZ Spiro-Technology .™
Along the lines of spirit photography, I have created another development that enhances full spectrum positive paranormal captures utilizing several technical ITC procedures and methods. This technique and method is called Satrix-L. ™
A new EVP method that I have developed employs a silent method of capturing audio while providing Kinacoustical ™ energy for the entities to work with and has produced the most amazing results yielding sentences, stories of their life, etc. This method of EVP is called the Permisi ™ Method.
Another EVP method that is still in progress of improvement is the Inflection Resonance Method. ™ This method incorporates several acoustical pulsations combined with other EVP mechanisms. This method has been very useful and has yielded great EVP responses in many of my important experiments.
Symphonic Imprint ™ is another technique I have developed which exponentially enhances all experiment outcomes, all summonings, all supernatural protection methods, all paranormal, psychic and magical techniques and entity communication. This technique requires pre-planning by an advanced practitioner, use of audio-tonal digital translation and an inscription seal.
I have devised a new paranormal EVP technique that has an 85% success rate. This technique enables a deceased loved one to come through and leave meaningful messages to the people that are missing them and this is done on demand. This technique is called ESL or EctoSonicLink. ™
A device that I am still in the process of inventing is called the Opex ™ Device from my intense X-Wave project. This piece of equipment is unlike any other paranormal tech piece. It works by bringing in energy and sending energy to specific places. It also works with spiritual portal energies and vortices to open and close portals in accordance with the energies that are required for each experiment. The device greatly enhances the power of any experiment as well as zeroing in on time/space/portal technology.
The Armanzi ™ EVP method is one that I have had extreme success with and developed over many years. It utilizes elemental modulation, acoustical fluctuation and strict interference control. Strategic placement of all documentation apparatus is paramount. This EVP method has provided enormous results if performed meticulously precise.
Something more a long the lines of Forbidden Arts - the art of object possession, I have invented a technique that is extremely powerful and profound. This technique is called Pheno-Conflux Imbuement ™ or PCI.
Another device that is still in the research and planning stage is the Spectral MX Transducer ™ from the EMERGE (Energy Manifestation and Embodiment for Greater Existence) ™ project. The SMXT ™ is a device that will attract and secure spectral energies and induce imaged and ocular disclosure.
My breakthroughs
The biggest and most profound breakthrough of my para-scientific work has been a time and space breakthrough where an entity was captured in the same exact moment in time yet doing two separate activities. This was accomplished using EQZ Spiro-Technology and advanced Portal Techniques.
One of my most extraordinary breakthroughs are the discovery and study of other-worldly beings whom I named the masked-face beings because their appearance resembled a white, hard shell as skin. They call themselves 'Squask' and they are mostly a malevolent race. This is still an ongoing experiment that has been in progress for five years. I haven't published a lot about these beings as they requested that I wait, but I do have some interesting disclosures that you can observe until I can reveal the entire story - and it is quite something else!
A very recent discovery took place in April of 2022 where another race of beings were discovered and they are in contact with me. They are called the Ropayans. There are a few of these entities that are assisting me on my experiments to make improvements and advance my research. This is basically still a very new experiment so I do not have anything published about them as yet. Stay tuned for that!
A completely fascinating discovery came to me many years ago during an experiment working with portals and other realms. I met a biomechanical entity that showed me how to program a mirror in order to do many varied paranormal tasks including opening portals to very specific destinations as well as ingraining those portals into the mirror itself so that it will be there permanently to use over and over again until I disable it.