WELCOME to the Geonetrix™ Project
Please read the information below. All requirements are explained. You can sign up to assist us with this important paranormal research by clicking
on the button.
Don't miss this opportunity to make a big paranormal discovery! We can do it if we all work together!
You will get a reply within 48 hours to confirm your participation. We can't wait to meet you!
Be sure to check out our additional option so we can make this project even better and advance paranormal
science as much as possible!
About Geonetrix™ Research
Purpose: To make a major breakthrough in paranormal science.
Impact: To exponentially improve the positive results of
paranormal, psychic, magical and other occult
The term "paranormal" encompasses a broad spectrum of phenomena and practices that lie beyond the scope of conventional scientific understanding. It includes a diverse range of subjects, such as paranormal investigations,
psychic abilities, magickal practices, forbidden arts, and occult endeavors.
This umbrella term captures the mysterious and unexplained aspects of existence, delving into realms that challenge traditional scientific paradigms. By embracing the paranormal, we open ourselves to a realm
of exploration that expands our understanding of the unknown and invites us to explore the
depths of human experience.
Geonetrix™ is an interdisciplinary field of para-scientific inquiry focused on investigating environmental variables that may exert influences on paranormal phenomena and associated domains. This specialized endeavor aims to broaden our understanding, optimize performance and outcomes, and drive innovative advancements within this
enigmatic yet significant realm of para-scientific exploration.
By systematically examining the interplay between environmental conditions, vacillating external and internal variables and paranormal occurrences, Geonetrix™ seeks to unveil hitherto concealed insights. Its objective is to expand the boundaries of knowledge by meticulously studying the intricate connections between the physical and metaphysical surroundings as well as the manifestations of the paranormal. Such rigorous research, data and analysis contribute to a more comprehensive cognizance of the mechanisms underlying these phenomena.
Moreover, Geonetrix™ strives to improve the effectiveness and efficacy of paranormal and occult practices. By identifying and analyzing the environmental and ethereal factors that facilitate or impede such endeavors, our researchers endeavor to enhance performance, boost accuracy, and optimize results. Through the rigorous application of para-scientific methods and meticulous measurement of relevant statistics, Geonetrix™ aims to provide practitioners with evidence-based guidance and strategies for achieving superior outcomes.
Furthermore, Geonetrix™ recognizes the importance of forging new frontiers in paranormal research. By adopting a scientific and intelligent approach, this project endeavors to challenge prevailing assumptions, push the boundaries of understanding, and cultivate novel breakthroughs. It fosters a culture of curiosity and innovation, where researchers continuously strive to unravel the mysteries of the paranormal through meticulous
experimentation and robust analysis.
In conclusion, Geonetrix™ operates at the intersection of scientific rigor and paranormal exploration. By illuminating the relationship between environmental conditions and supernatural phenomena, it seeks to expand knowledge, optimize performance, and drive advancements in this captivating domain of scientific inquiry.
Any and all breakthrough in this research project will
be credited to all that participates!
Crucial Contribution to Gathering Data for Paranormal Research
Call for Active Participation: Aiding Groundbreaking Paranormal Research
The Geonetrix™ division of Elite Paranormal Specialists seeks your invaluable assistance in gathering crucial data for our ongoing research endeavor. Contributing to this effort is a simple and time-efficient process that only requires a few minutes of your valuable time to complete a concise form.
The data you gather is of utmost importance and will be collected every time you engage in any form of paranormal activity for as long as you choose to participate. The paranormal category encompasses a wide range of phenomena, including paranormal investigations, psychic phenomena, magick, forbidden arts, and occult practices.
To conduct accurate analysis, experimentation, and derive precise conclusions, we require a substantial amount of data. This data will aid in developing practical techniques, applications, and advanced technologies to advance all paranormal pursuits and future research. We can only achieve these milestones with your generous assistance.
Below, we provide a comprehensive overview of the information we require on our data collection form. Each data point necessitates only a few words for completion. Many paranormal investigators already seek such information before embarking on their investigations.
You will find all the pertinent details you need on the form, specifying which information to gather. The information gathered should be directly relevant to the particular paranormal endeavor in which you are currently engaged.
We kindly request that you consider participating for as long as you desire, but we sincerely appreciate receiving as many completed forms as possible. This research will be ongoing until we have reached a sufficient amount of data. As the conclusion date nears, we will announce it. It is very important that we receive data sooner rather than later in order to expedite faster analysis and complete the project
in a timely manner.
In summary, before engaging in any ghost investigations, psychic readings, mediumship sessions, spellcasting, rituals, ceremonies, Ouija board sessions, EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) sessions, or any other occult activities, simply gather a few essential pieces of information, record them, and proceed with your session. Take note of specific timestamps for certain requests, and briefly describe how the gathered information and prevailing conditions either enhanced or hindered your session or made no discernible difference. All the necessary details and instructions are provided on our user-friendly form, which we encourage you to review its simplicity.
Your active participation in this research endeavor will significantly contribute to the advancement of paranormal knowledge. Join us today in unraveling the mysteries of the supernatural realm.

Data Research Requirements
This is a list of all data required for each submission and where to get this information. This may appear to be a lot because it is an explanation,
but the actual activity will only take a few minutes.
Participant Researcher ID# - When you register, you will receive a participant researcher ID number that you can use from that point on.
City, State, County and Country - This is the location you are performing your paranormal work. We need this information because different areas of the world are affected differently due to occurrences such as ley lines, vortices, magnetic anomalies and weather specific to the area, etc. If you do your work at the same location all the time, that is fine as well. Just gather and report the needed data as the conditions will still be different.
Paranormal Type - Here you will list what type of paranormal endeavor you are participating in such as paranormal investigation, EVP session, psychic reading, ritual, scrying, etc. You can opt to list one of the 5 following if you do not want to be too specific, but please note that specifics will help greatly. These 5 are: Paranormal, Psychic, Magick, Forbidden Arts, Other Occult.
Date - Please indicate the date of the endeavor that you are participating in. Please list the date in the format of month, day and year.
Day of Week - Please list the day of the week that you are participating in your endeavor. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Time of Day - Please indicate the time you started your session and the time your session ended to the closest exact time as possible. Don't forget to add AM or PM please.
Outside Conditions - Please list all outside conditions such as clear, sunny, overcast, rain, snow, lighting storm, etc. If conditions change while you are still in session, please indicate that as well. Example: Overcast then lightning storm.
Wind Speed - Pleas indicate the wind speed during your session. You can find that on the local weather. Please indicate whether it is mph or kph.
Dew Point - Please indicate the dew point at the location of your endeavor at the start and if it changed, then at the end of your session as well. You can find the dewpoint on some weather sites or by Googling, "what is the dewpoint in (town, state) today/tonight". Please indicate in F or C.
Humidity - Please indicate the humidity at the location of your endeavor at the start and if it changed, then at the end of your session as well. You can find the humidity level on weather sites for the area you are in or you can Google it.
Barometric Pressure - Please indicate the barometric pressure at the location of your endeavor at the start. You can find this information on weather sites for the area you are in or you can Google it.
Temperature - Please indicate the temperature at the start of your endeavor at the location you are at and then again at the time your session ended. You can find the temperature on your local weather site at the location you are at. Please indicate in F or C.
Solar X-Rays - You can find this information along with the GeoFields on the Home page of this website at the bottom right. This field will indicate one of five choices: Normal, Active, M Class Flair, X Class Flare and Mega Flare.
Geomagnetic Fields or GeoFields - You can find this information on the Home page of this website at the bottom on the right. This field will either indicate one of three choices: Quiet, Unsettled or Storm.
Moon Phase - You can find this information at https://www.moongiant.com/phase/today/
Please list the current phase and illumination percentage. EXAMPLE: waxing crescent 2%.
Season - Please indicate if your session is taking place in the spring, summer, fall or winter.
Indoor/Outdoor - Please indicate if your session is taking place indoors or outdoors.
Next - VERY IMPORTANT: Please jot a quick sentence to let us know if any of the conditions that you listed for your session on that day seemed to have affected the performance of your paranormal endeavor and how. (NOTE: If you are a paranormal investigator, this information may only be available to you after you comb through your captures to find your evidence.)
Rating - VERY IMPORTANT: Please consider carefully how your session turned out and then rate the session according to the choices given on the form. There are ratings from 1, being the worst, and 10 being the best. This information will be used to weigh out the entire project because we need to know how results turned out in order to see which data affected it.
Notes - If there is anything else you would like to add that you think might be helpful such as evidence, a paranormal occurrence, something strange, something you feel should be mentioned, a gut feeling or something you would like to add, say or suggest, please do so. You can add this in the notes section.
Optional Research - If your submission is from the optional research portion of the project, please indicate this with a yes or no.
PLEASE NOTE: If there is any evidence that you captured that you feel was obtained because of the specific conditions that we are searching for, you can send that to eliteparanormalspecialists@gmail.com. We will not use your evidence for anything except this project unless you give written permission to do so.
Check out the additional
option below to help even more!
Option 2
Additional Geonetrix Research Project
Check out the video link below which explains this option in easy detail. Your research data is vital to advance the paranormal, psychic, magic and forbidden arts fields.
The main research is the most important. If you choose this optional research, please do it along with the main research. It is just an add-on but very important.
If you are a very serious paranormal practitioner and would like to help us with this very important research project even further, please take a few more moments to learn about this little add-on which will give us exponentially more information to work with.
We want to collect the same data as the main research project but at different times and circumstances.
We want to gather data that is taken at the same location at least three times but with different weather conditions and then at the same location with the same weather conditions - as close as possible.
Click the button below for a short video that explains what we are looking for in more detail. The same exact form you use for the main research will be used for this research as well. There is a place on the data submission form that will let us know that the submission is from this add-on project.
At the Projects Completion
When we gather sufficient data, we will give special recognition to our top contributors.
All contributors will receive a certificate to show our deepest appreciation. You will receive a digital "Certificate of Outstanding Contributions for Advancing Paranormal Scientific Research". This prestigious certificate can be printed out and framed.
We will give a shout out on all of our social media and YouTube to all our contributors. Top contributors will receive a shout out and a short message that you would like to share with our audience.
You will also be the first to get the results of the research before anyone else.
If there is evidence of a breakthrough, you will also be notified before anyone else of this evidence so you can get the jump on utilizing it to get more profound results in your work.
Participation Recognition
We sincerely appreciate your invaluable participation in this important paranormal project.
To show our appreciation, we will list your name or team name or any other way that you would like to be recognized, on this website. As soon as we receive your first participation form, you will be listed on our site. (Unless you specify that you do not want to be listed.)
The amount and quality of your efforts will make a huge impact on this project and research.
Please see the left hand column for recognition merits.
Once again, thank you so much for your participation! Every data submission you send us will make a big difference!
Please Register Now!