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First Contact with Graveyard Project's Entities


Finally! The graveyard project is up and running. I just got my first two entities - actually they are wondering ghosts that volunteered to work with me as assistants, or the correct necromancy term is shades. This project took seven months to get together. Gathering all the materials, hand-making the parts of the graveyard, performing many rituals and ceremonies, obtaining some hard-to-get materials, enchanting, embedding, programming and working with three powerful deities during this long process has paid off! I am very happy that I didn't have to repeat the process and that the possession was successful the first time around.

The test was completed as of Saturday, November 26, 2022 and the entities that I called for to possess and inhabit two miniature bone skulls was successful. There is a strong possibility that I obtained an extra spirit in the process. All entities that inhabit the skulls have freedom to roam and are of volunteer status only. Having said that, they are under 'contract' - a covenant made with me for their services in return for my care. To a wondering spirit, that means a lot as they get a purpose and a sense of a new life. When the contract is over, I will send them wherever it is that they wish to go.

On my Forbidden Arts Graveyard Project Page - I have the EVPs that you can listen to from these wondering spirits - now my shades. I wanted to go through them here to explain a few things for those of you who enjoy following my experiments and projects. I found many of the EVPs to be very interesting. I did two Permisi EVP sessions with these two entities. The first one was the test to see if any entity was present at all and try to get some basic information. Since both skulls tested positive, I did a very quick second Permisi EVP session to get their names or see what they preferred to be called. If I did not receive a response, then I would have named them myself, but the did respond and I added their names to their headstones.

I also wanted to indicate that some users of the black arts or forbidden arts try to 'steal' entities away from others. This is why great care must be given and strong measures taken in order to protect the entities in your care. My covenant with these entities are watched over by three strong entities. Between the contents of the contract and the agreements with the deities, my spirits are protected. Just an FYI.

So I asked Skull #1 if they were here with me and to state their name. This was my very first question to this entity. They told me that their name was Adam and asked me who I was. Then they mentioned that this was a lot to take in. I imagine that it could be difficult to think that someone would ask you to possess an object and for the purpose to 'assist' another in paranormal experimentation. There is more that this shade said that will confirm this - yet he did it.

Question number two for skull #1 was, "Did you indeed possess this skull for me?" His answer was, "How we find you?" So he asked me a question back. I found it interesting that he said 'we' instead of I, but I think I may know what happened. I am pretty sure another entity was there with him - and not the one who possessed skull #2. I will get to this during question number 4 for this shade.

Question #2 I asked skull #1 if they were willing to abide by our contract in which he stated, "None of this is real." So as you can conclude, this was something that must have been very difficult to fathom to this spirit, but he took the offer anyway and he didn't have to.

Question #3 to skull #1 was, "Do you agree to these terms?" Instead of getting a relevant response, I got the name of another person and a voice that was vastly different from the shade that has been responding. This leads me to believe that two entities are inhabiting the one skull and that would also make sense as to why Adam said 'we' instead of 'I'. Further communication will need to take place in order to confirm this. The EVP Response was "Korin Ching", "all alone" and "I might"

Question five was me asking for a message or for skull #1 to tell me something about them about them that they wanted me to know. There were several responses to this question. These responses are, "I'm old," "Too much noise," and "Is the Earl king?" This was interesting because one of them said I'm old so I feel they may not realize they are deceased. Also, when they said too much noise, my house can be quite noisy. I hope they can get settled in fine, but they don't have to stay here all the time. Now the response about the Earl being king - well even that makes sense is Korin Ching is also now a shade possessing skull #1. Korin Ching is an Asian name and they do have Earls. I just have no idea what Earl he is talking about. I can ask him when I do my next session.

On to questions six which was now directed at skull #2. I asked if someone was here with me. The response was, "We want you to debate." So this could be taken a few different ways - perhaps debate on who should inhabit the skull or since I said one person per skull and there were three, maybe they wanted me to choose. Of course it seems as though Mr. Ching went with Adam and not shade #2.

Question seven -posed to skull #2 was asking if they did indeed possess the skull. I felt sorry for this wondering spirit when I heard the response of, "Will it hurt." I tried to explain what the entire process was and what I wanted from them completely. He decided to join me anyway and I suppose that is why he also gave the response, "beats dying.' Again, does this entity think he is alive? Perhaps he figures it was a new chance of life. I will have to ask which I plan on doing with all three entities to get further information about them.

I asked for question eight, "Do you agree to the binding contract?" The response was a little confusing with, "but I just hang it and never give up." I'm not so sure what to make of that - are they talking about the contract? Who knows, but I will explore that further as well. Permisi EVP uses no ghost boxes, no apps, no word banks - nothing that can be mistaken for an EVP. If something shows up, it was not from any other source except an entity. Also, there was nothing or no one around when I did these sessions so there was no outside noise interference.

Question #9 to skull #2 was, " Do you agree to these terms?" The response was, "How far", "Go Chris", and "Gave us." I do have to mention that this kinda raised a bit of suspicion about this particular entity just because they used the name Chris - and that always leads me to the first thought of the masked-face beings trying to crash another experiment. Chris is not the name of entity #2. I also do not feel that the masked-face beings were able to crash this project because of the covenant and the three deities that watch over it. You can betcha I'll be following up on this one though!

Question #10 to skull #2 is, "Is there anything you want me to know? Do you have a message for me?" There were a few responses. These responses are, "I already told you", "all I choose", and "I already showed you."

The second session of questions were just three to each entity. I asked for their name twice and gave them another chance to give me a message. I will list these next.

Skull #1 Question #1 - "Please state the name that you would like to go by." Responses - "Gotta first view of this," and "I was gay first." I guess they meant they were ok with being my shade and added a bit of information about them for me.

Skull #1 Question #2 - "Please state your name again?" Responses - "Both of them find out," Most you've done with it," and "Adam." Second repeating of the same name and this is great verification.

Skull #1 Question #3 - "Is there any messages that you would like to leave me?" Response - "Go look behind you." The graveyard was behind me.

Skull #2 Question #1 - "I would like you to state your name." Responses - "You gotta purpose?" "Maybe Tim" So that is skull #2s name. I did go out of my way to explain the purpose further to them.

Skull #2 Question #2 - "What would you like to be called by?" Response - "Work with us" This was verification that he understands that purpose.

Skull #2 Question #3 - "Do you have a message that you would like to leave me?" Response - "Release to Echo Mountain." This makes sense as I explained to these ghosts that upon the contract ending, I would release them to wherever they wanted to go.

So that was a very successful test of possession session. The shades have been settling in nicely and I am going to give them their first mission in a day or two - something very simple.

Stay tuned for the adventures of the necromantic shades.


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