Hi there! I hope you are enjoying my new website where I have been posting the experiments that I work on with the results. I get asked so much to see more and more of my experiments and how I do them. I used to just post experiment results on my YouTube channel and then post the link to the videos on my social media. I would post images and EVPs on my older website, but a lot of my work has become so much more intense.
I stopped doing private home investigations for clients for the most part and not because I do not want to help others. It is because I have so much going with paranormal experimentation and I am really making leaps and bounds with my progress. It takes a lot of time, patience, energy, work, perseverance and money to make these experiments happen.
My results speak for themselves. This site is still fairly new and all of the EVPs that I have posted stopped working because the hosting site closed up and I had to find another one which I did so I have been trying to replace them as quickly as possible.
The point of this blog post is to inform you of things that I have been working on; to find out what kind of things you would like me to include in my results here on this site, and to let you know what some of my bigger goals are.
Unlike almost every single other site out there or social media page that has to do with the paranormal - mine is vastly different in the way that I am not providing a source of entertainment for amusement as I am not an actress or host a TV or media show. I am conducting true and intense paranormal experimentation where I put to fantastic use my skills, knowledge and resources that I have accumulated over the past 40 years - really my entire life as I was exposed to the paranormal from day one. The things I do are 100% real. They do not get doctored up to change results to make things spooky, eerie or entertaining. They are what they are. Yes, I crop and save. Yes, I enhance an EVP to hear it better, but that is the extent of my editing. I cut the stuff out that has no results and keep the evidence and I always keep the originals.
My end game is not to just collect paranormal evidence, but to make progress on specific paranormal subject matter. I am working to advance these areas using both paranormal and scientific means as I have a background in physics. I have already made several breakthroughs and am close to making more. I work on this every day - seven days a week with rarely a day off.
People may want entertainment and believe me, the results I get are very entertaining as they are quite amazing and fascinating, but they will not find drama, screaming and running out the door barely able to catch my breath here.
If you really love the paranormal for what it really is - and not just ghosts that haunt places - really love invisible worlds, other-worldly beings, parallel dimensions, time and space enigmas, portals, gateways, powerful beings, angels, demons, space creatures, nature spirits, things that lurk all around us that are paranormal every single day of every single day - then this is the place for you!
Just because physics in this world may seem to present blocks to what can be accomplished, don't let that fool you! Rules are always meant to be broken and they have been. They are deemed flukes or mysterious happenings. The macro world places limitations on everything we consciously view and perceive, but the micro quantum world states otherwise. Believe me, it is one heck of a trippy world we live in. Things are certainly far from what they seem. What you observe is in most cases, their limit of conscious thought, but once you can break free from that, so much opens up - there are no words to convey what is really out there.
My hopes is that in time, I will be able to share with you through evidence and through explanation, these worlds and the things possible when you step out of what we call our reality, because the real reality is not what you are really living.
I have so much more to put up on this site that I have not had the chance to do as of yet. I mostly work by myself and that includes posting. I also teach paranormal subjects so it is not easy to get everything done. I really need an assistant who loves the paranormal and can dedicate time and loyalty to assist me, but fining one, well they are far and few between. Feel free to contact me if you feel you fit the bill.
In the meantime, please keep checking back to see what new things are in the works and what things I have posted that I haven't had the opportunity to get up on this site yet. Also, check out my YouTube where I have lots of great stuff! Link is at the bottom of this page.
I work really hard on this stuff and I would save so much time that I can put into just my experimentation if I didn't try to share it with everyone but I feel that people should know what is out there and what can really be done - what exists, and how they are shut in a small box that needs to be lifted away.
Please support my work by liking my videos, commenting on them and my blog posts, my social media and please share my work with people you know enjoy the paranormal. Please reach out to me because I would love to know that you are enjoying what I do and I would love to hear your thoughts. Also, please consider donating to us so that we can try to offset the costs of expensive equipment, locations, structures that we have to build, etc. Each experiment has different requirements and follow up experiments can change everything yet again.
You can donate using the link at the bottom of this page or the link on our website homepage or Experiments in Progress pages.
Showing your support in any way really helps. Thank you for being here. You are truly appreciated!
Check out my paranormal YouTube channel.
Lots of good stuff there. If you like what you
see, please like, share and subscribe.
Thanks so much for supporting my work!
I truly appreciate you! ♥