In this crazy world of ours these days, nothing seems to be impossible and thing that we once thought to to exist only in science fiction are now becoming a part of our reality a little at a time. The subject of today's post in on personal experiences with glitches - yes like a glitch in the matrix.
I have spoken to many people who have had this type of unique experience and I myself have encountered it several times. These instances occur extremely quick, out of nowhere and are very short-lived. They leave you in the blink of an eye and feeling quite amazed and bewildered.
I have to say and get this out of the way, that the "logical community" will chalk glitches up to several things such as perception and memory errors, coincidences, misinterpretations, cognitive biases saying it leads to interpret events in a way that aligns with our preconceived beliefs or expectations, psychological factors, technical and media influences and social and cultural factors. I really hate to associate the "logical community" with science in any way, but unfortunately, they are pretty close minded about a huge part of life - the world and the multiverse as they leave out anything that "doesn't compute." Believe me, I am not knocking science as I have a background in physics. They would just really make leaps and bounds if they worked with the invisible realms - which they are starting to do - but won't tell you that.
Anyway, back to glitches. They are real and they have been happening for a very long time. More and more people are starting to experience them more frequently. I am going to give you a few examples of the glitches that I myself and a few other people that have come forward to tell me about. They are short, sweet and extremely fascinating.
So let me start with my own experiences. The first time a glitch happened, it was actually like I myself, glitched out. It was a split second but I heard an interference sound audibly and at the same time, I saw black and green horizontal lines in front of me almost like a computer glitch. Another time, everything in the world stopped existing - I mean there was nothing - just a void of nothingness. Then on the next glitch, everyone and everything stopped moving and just froze - all but me. Then as fast as that happened, it started up again. Just recently I had two more experiences that happened within five minutes of each other. I heard an interference sound in my head and a click. Five minutes later, it did it again only there were two interference sounds and two clicks.
Another person I know said that everything and everyone around her started to move in slow motion except for her. Another time her and her daughter were in their room and it was a bright sunny day out. In a split second it was totally dark, pitch black darkness for just a quick second and then it was sunny again. They both witnessed this and it was only dark outside, not in the house.
Another woman said that the bathroom floor started to look like a computer glitch and somewhat pixilated. She also had another encounter where the room she was in suddenly filled with bright white and green light - it was so bright, she couldn't see anything.
A man said that he used to enjoy watching the chickens they had and sometimes he would see them just stop and then move backwards like they were rewinding.
Another person said that they forgot to put their Fitbit on and commented on that several times during the day. As her and her husband sat down for dinner she told her husband that she forgot to put on her Fitbit showing her arm. After dinner, she looked down at her arm and her Fitbit was on. Her husband said that she never got up during dinner so she couldn't have put in on. The woman has no memory of putting it on - it was just suddenly there. She also said that she has memories of doing things but it turned out that she never did them.
Do you have any glitches that happened to you or someone you know? It would be great if you can share them with me. You can send them to