Hi there and thank you for your interest. I am in need of a paranormal member to assist me with the paranormal experimentation that I am immersed in. Here is where you will find some very important details so you can decide if you feel that this might be for you.
First, and I must stress this - THIS IS NOT A JOB OFFER. It is purely a volunteer position; however, for the individual that really loves the paranormal, this shouldn't be an issue. Just like a paranormal investigation team member, we work together, but unfortunately do not get paid.
So having said that, let me tell you a little bit more about me, what I do, why I need an assistant and who I am looking for - as well as what you can expect, and then we can talk in more detail from here.
I have 40+ years of professional paranormal, psychic and magickal experience. I have been a practitioner of lost, ancient forbidden arts for 3 decades. I am trained and experienced in demonology, dark hauntings, deliverance and exorcism in both eastern and western rites. I have a scientific background in physics as well.
My experiments consist of many different and various types including the obvious big questions about life such as, is there life after death, where do we go when we die, what happens when you die, who created us, etc. That list goes on and on. I also like to do extensive work with portals and time. I work with ghosts, spirits and other-worldly entities. I explore other planes, dimensions and realms. I work to discover other species of life. I try to find out more about the multi-verse. I also do experiments involving foods, medications, animals (Nothing harmful - these are deceased animals), nature, etc.
I work with deities, angels, demons and creatures not known to our human race. This is just a small sample of what I do.
I have made several breakthroughs in para-science and have developed many methods as well as techniques that enabled me to obtain the fascinating results that I have. I am working on a device that I invented, but I am now getting assistance from other-worldly beings as well as other deceased scientists in order to enhance that device's capabilities. There is so much that is possible within the paranormal worlds that most people cannot even begin to image the depths of what is truly possible and that it all affects our lives in one way or another.
The work I do is extensive, complex and advanced. It is very time consuming, but well worth it. Some of my experiments go on for years and some only last a few weeks. It all depends upon the results obtained and the goal of the experiment. I have several experiments going on at any given time. Since I am only one person and unfortunately do not have clones of myself, I am in need of a very special person who can help me out. If I can cut the time of the experiments in half, then more can be accomplished.
My assistant - which I also consider a dear friend, will help me in setting the experiment up, running the entire experiment, packing up and combing through captures to find paranormal evidence. By myself, one experiment can take me 4 to 6 months give or take, to go through all of the captures obtained during the experiment.
My assistant will need to meet with me online for communication, prep-work and planning. We will need to work together in person on the night of the experiment. My assistant will also need to make time to go through the captures for evidence. We will need to communicate and confer about the experiment, results and our next objectives. So therefore, some time will need to be invested into this volunteer position. I can say that this endeavor will be one that will provide you with a lot of paranormal, psychic, magick and forbidden arts knowledge and experience. Although this is a serious endeavor, it is a lot of fun and extremely interesting. You need to be able to not only think outside the box and be extremely open minded, but you need to be open to things that may seem way past bizarre and incredible. This is a journey unlike any other and for that one special person who assists me, it will greatly expand and progress your own spiritual journey and life path.
I am looking for someone who will be dedicated to this position. This doesn't mean you will have to be available all the time and commit to a large lot of time. It just means that you will see the experiments through in a timely manner. I usually conduct experiments on Saturday evenings - sometimes other nights of the week, but rarely. The experiments usually take 2 to 3 hours depending on what is planned. Set-up takes 30 minutes to an hour. Capture upload and take down can be about 30 minutes to an hour depending on what was used. If we venture out to do a field investigation, this will be planned in advance and agreed upon accordingly as far as the details and particulars. Field investigations broaden the experiment experience.
I would like you to live within close distance from me so getting together will not be an issue. I live in the 08096 zip code area. I am looking for someone who is fun but mature, who will take the experiments seriously and who has a genuine interest in advancing paranormal science. Someone who can keep information confidential is of the utmost importance. I prefer someone who is at least 25 years old or older, but will consider someone younger if they are mature and responsible. I am looking for someone trustworthy and does not already belong to a paranormal team. I want someone who I can rely on and trust with my work. The paranormal is not just a hobby for me. It is literally a huge part of my everyday life. What I do and how far I have progressed has been my life's work.
The only expenditures that you will have is the cost of traveling to me in order to perform the experiments. You will need a computer or laptop in order to go through the paranormal captures and enough space on your computer or a flash drive in order to upload videos, audio and pictures to go through them. Other expenditures would be your share of any field investigation that we would agree to go on.
You can expect about 2 to 3 experiments per month on average. No more than 3 unless a field investigation is planned. You can also expect to spend several hours per week going through the captures for paranormal evidence and a little time chatting with me. Also, expect to have fun and make a new friendship. You can also expect to learn a lot about the paranormal, psychic work, magickal workings and lost, ancient forbidden arts. I also work with both the light and dark side of the paranormal.
So now you have a little more information about this position. I would like to give you one more thing to check out so you can get an idea of the kind of experimentation I do and the type of results that I get by sharing my YouTube channel with you. Just go through a little of this and that. Skip through here and there and try to watch some of the different types of videos I have on it. I just want you to get an idea. Also, you can check out this website for even more information. This site is newer though, so I don't have a lot here yet, but enough to help see what I do. Keep in mind that I do not have all of the experiments I do on my YouTube or this website. To see my YouTube channel, please click the button at the end of this post. If you like the channel, please subscribe and share.
If you are interested in becoming my assistant, then please contact me by clicking the apply now button below, filling in the quick, simple form and submitting it.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon. I will get back to you within 48 hours of receiving your application.