I wanted to talk about EQZ Spiro-Technology in this post because in just about every experiment I do, I utilize this technique. I do this because after decades of improving this method, I have finally found a way to get astounding paranormal results each time I use it. Therefore, I want to familiarize you with it so that you can see its importance and relevance to para-science experimentation.
So what exactly is EQZ? EQZ stands for Elequa-Zephla and it is a paranormal method of acquiring supernatural phenomenon through photographic technology. There are many techniques applied to each session that will help to bring about desired results and usually this standard is exceeded in the majority of experiments.
EQZ is a form of spirit communication using visual mechanics. The source of the target is enhanced and transmitted into and through an elemental medium which serves as a conductor of energy. Certain aspects of the target are then programmed to the specifications of the experiment which are then insulated and prepared for Instrumental TransCommunication to commence via various ocular technology.
The spirit or entity that I am communicating with can then leave pictures of what they look like, what their surroundings look like, different scenes, optical messages and even handwritten messages via image configuration.
The pictures obtained from EQZ do not look like ordinary pictures as these spirits are coming through not only a veil, dimensional rift, gateway, or other entry way, they are also coming through and trying to manipulate an elemental medium in order for their messages to come through precisely at the same time that the photographic session is commencing.
The results of EQZ are astonishing and have enabled me to learn so much about other entities, spirits and all types of amazing life forms and these include nature spirits and even plants, vitamins and medications.
Many closed-minded people who cannot discern and cognize advanced paranormal experimentation concepts, could tend to write some of this evidence off a pareidolia. I do allege that many of the captures that come through is indeed pareidolia, but much of it is not. After I fine-comb through all of the captures and conclude the evidence, I don't stop there. I summon back many of the entities that come through for questioning via EVP sessions and other paranormal techniques.
If you follow my experiments, I am certain that you will see how effective EQZ is with all of the evidence I have accumulated throughout the years. Since this site is new, it will take ma quite some time to put my experiments up, but I am working on that. In the meantime, you can check out my YouTube channel which is under PsychicMyst Paranormal Network as this is my original paranormal investigations team name. EPS is a specialized branch of PsychicMyst.
Keep checking back as I will constantly be adding to this site and posting blogs about my experiments, techniques and everything else of interest in the paranormal world.
Please note that when I say paranormal, this includes not only paranormal subject matter, but also psychic phenomena, magical workings and forbidden arts.
If you have any questions about any of my experiments, any of my blog posts or want to inquire as to anything in my store, etc., please email me at ghostieladie@gmail.com